Dogs & Additions

Bee Yard

This past weekend we were able to procure the panels needed to finish the bee yard.  I really put my muscles to use helping adoring husband load them into his pick-up truck and unload them in our pasture.  Those suckers are heavy. The weather wasn’t exactly cooperative, as it was terribly windy and cloudy but luckily we didn’t receive the predicted rain showers.  We had a couple of helpers but they didn’t do much.

We discussed the hazards of climbing the fence each time I needed to visit the bee yard and determined a gate was needed.  Creative and adoring husband came up with a gate and attached it, making my coming and going so much easier.

Helper #1

Helper #2








I leave you with a few photos of the almost complete “Bee Yard”.  The only things remaining are; the gate panel and paint.  The good Lord willing the painting will be finished by the end of today.  Did I say, “those panels are heavy“? Stay tuned..

Attaching a much-needed gate.

The only real helper - adoring husband

3 Responses to Dogs & Additions

  1. Sondra says:

    uhhhh Linda….. that fence will not be very good at keeping the bees inside. They’ll fly right thru those holes.

  2. Great work! Those bees are going to be so happy there.

  3. rhonda Adams says:

    cute helpers! do dogs like honey?

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